Friday, 14 May 2010

Space Escapade (Maru Funk)

Just a bit of fun, this latest offering from Maru Funk is all about the universe and see's tracks from many genres come together with a spacey theme! Spanning 5 decades the music changes as fast as Barbarella's outfits so you can be sure some new extra-terrestrial sounds are never far away!

Get It Here!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Maru Funk #3 - Spaced Out

May has arrived and with it the sunshine. Well, a little bit for a while at least, but while the sun always shines on TV, it also shines on funk, and this time I bring you a piece of Sci-Fi Summer, in a funk mix with a twist to take you out of this world!

A different style to the previous two, this includes some down tempo funk as well as some cheese, a classy outro tune but no intermission!! It comes as two sides ready to play at 39" each with some suprises on the way.

So grab your space boy or girl and go on a funk adventure to the sounds of Maru Funk #3!

Get it here!