Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Sing Somethin Simple - The Adam Singers

Feeling in the mood for some musical relaxation? Them (sic.) just sit back and enjoy the work of a team who really know what easy listening is all about.

On this album the Adam Singers vocal charm works like a dream and creates the kind of listening pleasure that can only leave you asking for more. And that's why the "Sing Something Simple" formula is one of the most popular sounds around.

Side 1

Sing Something Simple
Hometown/Underneath The Arches
Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes
Cruising Down The River
Home On The Range

Side 2

Little Dolly Daydream/Lily Of Laguna
I Love You Truly
Me And My Shadow
My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
Let The Great Big World Keep Turning

HMA 214 - 1959

1 comment:

  1. When I was young, I loved to pull my chair up to the radio on a Sunday evening and listen to the Cliff Adams Singers on Sing Something Simple. Oh how I would love to hear that distinctive sound again, but alas I can't find any links here, no matter how hard I look. Sigh! Oh well, at least the girl on the album cover is pretty. Captain Pugwash 1000 on YT
